History of the ENCCTGA and the Christmas Tree Industry

The ENCCTGA first got together over 20 years ago, in January of 1990 in Kinston NC. Original documents relating to that historic first meeting can be seen by clicking on the image to the right, or by clicking here...

There are many traditions around the world, both Christian and pre-Christian, that involve some version of a Christmas tree, but the Christmas tree as we know it can trace its heritage back to the late 19th century, where German soldiers took a Rhineland tradition across Germany, lighting up many barracks and hospitals during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71).

The British nobility were among the first to adopt the Christmas tree traditions, with Queen Victoria having a Christmas tree in her room every year as a child. The tradition spread throughout England during her reign, and by the 1920’s a Christmas tree was as part of the season as plum duff and Christmas crackers!

There are debates as to where exactly the first Christmas tree appeared in the United States, various cities with German settlers brought the tradition with them to the new land in the late 19th century, and the tradition soon spread across the communities.

Since the 1920’s the “National Christmas Tree” has been illuminated on the White House Lawn, in the 1950’s it was popular to have fake trees in American households, but soon the public realized there was nothing like the “real thing” at Christmas. The National Christmas Tree has been a living tree for over 40 years and real trees around the country continue to be a symbol of Christmas, of Peace, and Family Tradition.

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